Why there are more aggressive people in West Malaysia rather than in Sabah and Sarawak?
2007-08-21 07:23:13 UTC
let me illustrate my point . 13 Mei never happen in Sabah and Sarawak, many vicious Ah Long in the west and this Ah long from the west are expanding their business to Sabah and Sarawak. Church and temple cannot be built near Mosque. You can hardly find Indian, Chinese, and Malay mix together.
In Sabah those Malay from west Malaysia refuse to accept a Chinese Coach to taught them bowling, what kind of mentality is that.

In Sabah and Sarawak religion tolerance is way better than west Malaysia.Church, temple can be built behind mosque and the same thing apply the other way around .

there are more than 30 different races there
Fourteen answers:
2007-08-21 10:29:24 UTC
there is a very plain answer to this question that not many people will like but my theory is there is a few things.

for eg. Malays are not the bumiputra or natives of Sabah or Sarawak, therefore the malay dominance thing here is not as strong over here as it is over there although it has grown in the past 20 years thanks to UMNO granting citizenship to thousands of muslim indonesians and filipinos for votes. christianity is a big religion here in Sabah and the natives are largely Protistent or Roman Catholic which typically is more conveniant for chinese or filipinos (e.g. no real marriage restrictions , food restrictions, alcohol restrictions). But having saying that, muslims in Sabah are noticeably more relaxed than muslims from west malaysia too.

And lastly the culture here is a very relaxed culture, its not a high pressure society, people generally love nature, family, barbeques, drinking, beach. enjoy bah!


Agree with Ginduras

RE Garis halus: We will gladly swap all the west malaysians living here in Sabah and send them back to West Malaysia and you can send all the Sabahans back home. We prefer it like that.

2007-08-22 12:21:05 UTC
Sabah and Sarawak are always on the lips of my European friends,who honestly feel that the people from these two states are the blessed lot in this country. Imagine a Buddhist temple located right in the Malay kampong and the little Malay boys are selling the to-be -set-free tortoises to worshipers ?And the Malay women help out at the Chinese restaurants to make a few extra bucks.Over here in Sabah and Sarawak,people DO visit each other during festive seasons,not the acting thing you see on those ads on TV during those festive times.There are more than thirty ethnics groups on this island and there's never any problem at all.Sarawak and Sabah people,aren't we blessed!
2007-08-22 00:34:34 UTC
I agree with Jedi. This is my points, no offense to West Malaysian. Sarawak and Sabah majority is Christian, Buddies and other religion. For example Sarawak population mainly is Iban, and Dayak. They are mainly are Christian.

Since Muslim are minor, so the religion tolerance are much better than West Malaysia. 513 did happen at Sarawak, since most of the Chinese were protect by Iban. So, nothing much happen to Sarawak Chinese.

I don't agree with your Ah Long theory. Sarawak, got more gangster than you though.
2007-08-22 01:54:52 UTC
in sabah life is slower and hence friction among people is less. In sabah/sarawak, the bumi/muslim do thier business in the non-bumi/chinese shops and we all live happily under one roof...the muslim also buy chicken from the chinese and the chinese eats rojak/soto at malay stall. The west msian when migrated to sabah sometimes will think they are more elite and more "city" bcos they will think sabah is a remote town, less happening and bored. But remember, without sabah and sarawak, Malaysia will lose almost 50% of the land, and most of the income from oil, timber, oil palm etc...

so, don buli us sabahan and also our fren sarawakian...remember that my fellow west malaysian...
Adi Keladi
2007-08-21 16:26:58 UTC
And the West Malaysians thought that Sabah is dangerous because there lots of pirates there. As a Sabahan whose hometown quite near to Indonesia and the Philippines, I'd say that these pirates rarely disturb the civillians. They are more interested in smuggling. Abu Sayyaf kidnapping is so isolated case. Have anybody ever heard of bank robbery in East Malaysia.

This is not mentioning the accident rate, which my father continuously ask me why until now. I have no idea how to answer.
2007-08-22 03:27:32 UTC
dk:- are you really sure that Muslim is minority in Sabah?

I don't agree with your statement ... My hometown is 90% Malay and the mosque was build side by side with Gurdwara Sahib (punjabi) and a Hindu Temple. At the same time we have 2 Hindu temple just before the entrance of a Malay Village ... and people mixed together with no problem .. Malay, indian, Chinese or Singh live happily. I have a lot of indian and Chinese friends and my boss is a Singh and i am Malay. We had our lunch together just like i had my lunch with my Malay friends.

If you think that Sabah is safer than West Malaysia you can live there happily because i'm afraid that if i go to Sabah or Sarawak i will be kidnapped by Filipinos terrorist, killed by "Gangster Kayu Balak" and even being attack by crocodiles.

So ... sukati kau lah Labu ...


to whom it may concern ..

I only gave my opinion ... as a west & of course modern Malaysian ... to those who feel offended ... sorry guys ... but u better read the statement in the question first.

I know Borneos always think that they are better ... (which make me laugh all the time) ... so once again ..

Sukati kau lah Labu...
2007-08-22 00:42:38 UTC
Sarawak Bagus
2007-08-24 23:14:45 UTC
Life is more hectic in the west, while in Sabah and Sarawak, everything is more laid back and easy going.
2007-08-22 07:47:41 UTC
To whom it may concern, don't talk like terrorist are everywhere in Sabah that you are afraid to come here. Heman, Kunyit, Rhino and dk already give the same answer i'd post. The only problem is how to get rid of the PTI.
2007-08-22 00:13:45 UTC
I've never been in Sabah, but I believe what you said. I think this is the result of 'divide and rule' policy introduced during colonial era and after we got independence not much seriously been done to close the gap
2007-08-29 12:17:04 UTC
The population is greater in West Malaysia.
2007-08-22 07:52:22 UTC
me sabahan also... because sabah is still the best for me..

to Garishalus, why blame sabah if there is a lot of filipino terrorist in here? who we are blaming if too many PTI in sabah and they got PR(permenant residence)? AND WHY MOST OF THE TOURIST WHO COMES TO MALAYSIA, THEY GO TO SABAH AND SARAWAK!!??? WHY NOT PENINSULAR?????

BORNEO BOLEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-08-22 02:49:02 UTC
we still malaysian...right???
2007-08-21 15:22:55 UTC
because Putrajaya is in West msia

*if u understand wat i mean*

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