Is this the reason why Singapore beat Malaysia's tourism?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is this the reason why Singapore beat Malaysia's tourism?
32 answers:
2007-06-12 00:57:58 UTC
Who remembers Michael Jacksons concert about 10yrs ago in KL. We had Scorpions, 98 Degrees, Tom Jones, Engelbert Humperdink, Olivia Newton John, Akon and many more rocking over the years. What about Deep Purple??? They too came. World Cup Hockey, Commonwealth Games, World Tenpin Bowling, Man Utd, Asian Cup Finals, F1, Formula BMW, Motogp, World Badminton Championships, Rugby Seven's, were/have been/going to be held in Malaysia. All this are money generating mechanisms. Al-Jazeera's latest office is in KL. Biofuel is being developed by Malaysia, which is in demand in EU countries. Petronas has spread its wings too so many countries with so many foreigners employed by them. Air Asia is going head on against other regional airlines, without government funding. Penang is at the level of developed countries in terms of medical services 1:700 ratio.
2007-06-12 03:03:54 UTC
you are just being superficial. look at the facts, singapore is the most developed country in the south east asia region. the government is stable and there is no corruption. hence, singapore is known as a safe country. in terms of places of interest, obviously singapore lost as malysia is definitely bigger and has more states and stuff like that. but every country has its own competitors anyway.
2007-06-12 02:10:33 UTC
Singapore is way ahead of Malaysia in many way.Can't deny that .
2007-06-12 00:12:26 UTC
I'm Singaporean & I disagree when you say M'sia is lousier than S'pore. Its 2 different countries with distinct different beliefs. M'sia, according to my M'sian friends have a 'Buy west last' policy. I think that's what holding M'sia down. I mean lets face it, the west are leading and if you openly display your defiance, what makes you think they will want to stand by you. If the leaders are not the ones you can learn from, then who? The middle East?! Blessed with so much oil yet there's so much conflict among themselves. All the while, the Americans sneak in & suck their oil dry. M'sian Chinese are anything but lousy, my closest M'sian friend holds 2 bacholars & a master. My cousin (M'sian) didn't get to finish secondary school, due to financial reason, but is now running his own business. Having worked with M'sians in S'pore, I found M'sian Chinese to be aggressive & motivated. Of course, I can't speak for all M'sians, just those whom I have the good fortune to work with. Yet I wonder why, with such aggressivness, M'sia always seems to be 1 step behind economically. Then I look at the things your politicians say and it all become clear. I'm not all pro-S'pore government, just that you know, but I believe, in politics, its never about how tough one can talk but rather how much one is able to deliver. Hate to admit it but, the S'pore government, despite their unpopularity among M'sians, have delivered to the people of the little republic.

I apologise if my message has offended anyone in anyway. Its just an honest opinion from the outside.
2007-06-11 19:23:34 UTC
Wonder how you know Singapore beat Malaysia in tourism?

I think its the small things that counts.

Cleanliness,Security and Service.

And once Malaysian stop being so proud and learn these simple things,they will definitely beat Singapore.

oh..if you can 'delete off' Mawi from the entertainment biz even better.
farina m
2007-06-11 19:22:08 UTC
is that how you argue about this m'sia vs s'pore tourism?

well how 'bout that movie Entrapment where Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones had their film shooting at the real Petronas Twin Towers building? not like a brief mention of singapore by Chow Yun-Fat, which ironically, the land wasnt named 'singapore' yet during the Davy Jones age.

and kuala lumpur was also mentioned in the Da Vinci Code fiction regarding a certain Swiss depository bank.

and whether you realize it or not, singapore's entertainment industry is not as big as malaysia's. even though we're not as big as indonesia's as well. but thats why international artists came down to your place robbing you. malaysia's rules regarding international artists, protecting our values and morality.

the same goes with the film industry. even though malaysia's film industry is not big at all, singapore's one is like non-existent...unless of course phua chu kang...

now i dont mean to hurt your feelings...but lets just be happy with what we have and compete healthily...okai?
40 something
2007-06-11 19:06:50 UTC
Haloo... Siapa itu de cure? Budak Jatuh Luar itu apa? Itu Jet pegi KLIA sanalaaa..... Sini tempat kita tau mawi saja. mawi kena bomoh, mawi jadi bomoh, mawi pegi memancing, mawi sedih, mawi suka.

Kalau bawak itu mat salleh punya concert, bayar mesti mahal. Siapa mau tengok. Itu mat salleh punya artis ada jadi guess dekat ERA ka?

Singapore punya orang very in de civilised..... (Civilised means the natives start wearing clothes and the foreigners come to get naked). So where can compare.....

But Malaysia, inspite of Mawi, I still love as my only home.....
Tan D
2007-06-11 23:17:23 UTC
Singapore had gone throught several years of hard work by the Government and citizen to have it's current system. It's a world trade hub, thus was being known by many countries.

As a tourist point of view, it's very convenient to travel around in Singapore. You can get almost everythings here, except things that are banned.

Malaysia definitely have better seasides and views than Singapore that worth visiting. The ideal will be both countries combine each other pros and cons, this will attract more tourists to visit both countries. In fact, the Government of both countries are working towards that direction.

Thus, it's really not necessary to further compare which country is better.
2007-06-11 21:18:44 UTC
Ethnic Chinese are the majority race in Singapore - that's the main reason why Singapore beat Malaysia in every department. Look at the flourishing economies of countries where the Chinese form the majority population - every one of them roaring with success.

A Malaysian businessman told me yesterday that the KL scene is dead. And this is the so-called Visit Malaysia Year. Says it all!
2007-06-11 18:41:56 UTC
for a starts they know what customer want. their government play important role to make all the event successful minus the red tapethey have better marketing people. there are no censorship board over there.

i remember when Micheal Jackson wanna come Malaysia, they is many red tape and ban him few times before he actually can come over here to perform concert.
2007-06-11 19:17:36 UTC
m'sia should produce better looking and more attractive tourism promo videos... the recent one done by s'pore was good although you can find exactly the same thing in m'sia, but you can't see them that attractive in m'sia videos...
2007-06-12 00:38:45 UTC
One day also can go one round on Singapore la... A small country, that's why they can manage the country better. The Singaporean government is quite well in doing everything too. They're small but the port are more successful than the other ports in Asia.

I admit that Malaysia is very active in the tourism at 1st but later slow down, it's the Malaysian government style. But there's no doubt that there are more fun places at Malaysia than Singapore. The beaches, the food, the city life... We have everything.

You know what, I can't stand when I heard a Singaporean said to the foreigners that Durian is their local fruit. Hey, Singapore hardly have a place to build houses and offices and always extend their land and this causes a big problem to the sea ecosystem. How come they have extra land to plant durian trees??

Ocean 13 is only movie, so if you go to Vegas would you see "The Bank"? It's just a movie, when it mention about other countries why you don't compare it with Singapore?

If you said Mawi, why don't say Fish Leong & Penny? This is a country with many Malays, Malays sure listen to Malays songs and Mawi is a Malay singer. You can't tell the Koreans stop listening to Korean songs and listen to the English songs, right?

Good Charlotte came to Malaysia too. MTV Asia is a part sponsor of Jet & Christina Aguilera concert, MTV Asia company is located at Singapore, so it's resonable that they're having concert at there. Don't always use this stupid thing to compare Malaysia & Singapore. If you compare the size of the country, you have nothing to say.
2016-03-13 13:05:56 UTC
I think the "Malaysia Truly Asia" ad is very effective at promoting Malaysia. However, you also have to look at geography. Singapore was established as a port within Asia where most ships would come to dock - as is today, most planes stopover in Singapore as the main "dock" when it comes to transferring flights, refueling or similar. Hence, its natural position gives it a better advantage over Malaysia as it gets a flow of potential tourists and the spending dollar when people stopover on flights as well as the normal tourists. One way Malaysia can take advantage of this to generate a new demographic of tourist is to create cheap visitor visas from Singapore (perhaps "Malaysia Truly Asia" kiosks in airports and inside the terminals), encouraging people within Singapore to "drop by" Malaysia citing the close and easy access, with an electronic visitor visa being given to tourists who meet the criteria. Another is to also do the same for surrounding countries close to Malaysia. They also can take advantage of its recent "Islamic" status (Malaysia is considered an Islamic country though I beg to differ) by offering easy and cheap packages to people in the Middle East. Currently if I'm not wrong only richer or well-to-do Arabs come here but if you target the middle-class you can gain a rich and varied demographic as well. Ultimately it is not about the effectiveness of your ads, how colourful it is or creative it is about the strategies employed to create awareness of your 'brand', which Singapore has always been rather good at. Jenova.
2007-06-11 20:41:12 UTC
i've seen Malaysia mentioned in a few shows regarding terrorism, and human rights abuses. There was a movie with Vince Vaughan and Jaquin Phoenix (think thats how you spell it) based on a true story and it portrayed a very real account of human rights abuse. Of course the movie was banned in Malaysia, because the Malaysian government will ban anything that reveals dirty truths. To be honest the question is why wouldnt Singapoer be 'winning'. They have freedom of religion. a very safe country, a good economy, all in all, a culture very similar to Malaysia but without all the human rights abuses. My only wish is that Sabah rejected Malaysia when the Singaporeans did.

neither Malaysia or Singapore can beat Sabah :-D

p.s. banning people from eating chewing gum is not an abuse against humanity.
2007-06-12 01:00:22 UTC
Singapore's casino (i am not sure if it has already been built) at Sentosa island is the only one there, and partly owned by a Malaysian businessman (the same person who opened the casino in Genting Malaysia.... So doesnt matter where the publicity is right as long as Malaysia is also profitting from it.

2. Malaysia is mentioned in hollywood movies... we have the twin towers remember?... and remember the movie entrapment starring Catherine zeta jones and sean connery?

By the way Malaysia also hosted concerts by Michael Jackson, Bon Jovi, and is often the choice for the Bollywood awards.......... (Where many celebrities including hollywood celebrities come to witness)..... SO???

By the way, Chow Yuen Fatt and Jodie Foster filmed The King and I here.......

Anyway, if you are singaporean, its just your KIASU mentality paving the way.... so no harm taken! Can you eat chewing gum?
2007-06-11 19:38:19 UTC
Tourists wont be interested to come to Malaysia for concerts. They dont go to Asia to sit in a stadium.
2007-06-11 19:17:25 UTC
Michelle Yeoh as a Malaysian acted in James Bond film and is a lead role. Many years ago a Singaporean actress acted in Shanghai Knights with Jackie Chan but only as a big vase in the movie.
2007-06-11 21:28:01 UTC
Well, Malaysia did host the PussyCat Dolls last year and immediately the telco which sponsored it was given a grilling by some ultra fundamentalist defenders of the faith for bringing in too much flesh.

So, as we can see, one of the reasons why we can't bring in a lot of first-class international acts is due to sensitivies surrounding our official religion.

The other is that we probably cannot attract a big enough quality, paying audience for these acts to justify them staging in this country. Makes more sense for them to stage in a country which is seen as a major hub for travellers and has the facilities to back them up.
2007-06-11 21:01:24 UTC
Dont close your mind for such a small phrase on the Film.

Doesnt mean that singapore name was mentioned in the movies will boost the singapore tourism industry..

Probably we forget to mention

- Amazing Race Asia

- Amazing Race All-Star..

- 1st Season Amazing Race in Sabah area

- Or Survival 1st season (i think).

- Formula 1..

No need to mention in all lah..
iyan z
2007-06-11 22:48:34 UTC
if Singapore beat Malaysia in tourism. Why we see alot of singaporean in JB.. in hypermarket, Giant hypermarket to be exact. and the highway. During weekends, school holidays, and public holidays. Singaporean had enough tour in their own country ahhh? How come this person rate the tourism popularity based on entertainment only? aiyaa.. bad question lerr. racist betul!
2007-06-11 11:52:51 UTC
The usual and most common thing I've been related to about Malaysia is JI, Al-Qaeda and Noordin Mat Top. Then there's also the famous Altantuya Sharibuu's case and Islam Hadhari.

How do you expect me to tell them 'NOOOO these things aren't true/exaggerated by the media' when its even bugging the local Malaysian medias?

In Hollywood, they've been trying to portray Malaysia as an extremist state and a pro-terrorist kind of impression (watch Zoolander and you'll get what I mean ---though its 100% fictional but its almost 100% factual too). Then there's a famous tagline about 'meeting up in Johore Bahru' to plot the next bomb attack (I've heard of this line in some movies somewhere, but not in Malaysia).
2007-06-11 23:04:18 UTC
i don't know, but it would be very good if support your claim with some data or evidence. data on number of tourists coming before and after pirates of the carribeans.
2007-06-11 11:07:43 UTC
I think many ppl are travelling to Singapore for work from the US Singapore Airlines stops in Singapore on the way to many other intl destinations, like India. So lots of ppl are flying through that city and find it gorgeous---me included!

Never been to not sure which is better for touring!
confused and loving it
2007-06-11 18:43:46 UTC
i think its more about the logistic, security and economical issue. plus singapore is on of the most closest allies to the United State.
2007-06-11 22:57:42 UTC
alo alo i buy things from jb most of the time to stalk up..theres the good and bad to both need to compare apple and oranges.

mawi is gross..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .. haha
2007-06-11 11:27:50 UTC
The reason is simple.

Singapore is just better-developed than Malaysia. Geographically, Malaysia wins Singapore, but economically, Malaysia is way behind.
2007-06-11 17:27:28 UTC
another question from proud singaporean....

i think malaysian really should stop send fresh water to them and let them drink the recycled water....maybe thats why they not clear

singapore don't have casino struggling to finish in 1 year....and F1 too....Don't you think that they desperate to defeat malaysia?

obviously, in this situation,malaysian have more brain....if you think singapore already beat malaysia tourism, u should know that malaysia already held F1 since 1999...

i can finish explore singapore in 2 day....and i dont think i come back,beside clean,high rise building....there's nothing special.....

if you proud with singapore being mentioned in those movie, i will not stop you.....maybe its the only thing you can be proud of your country...pity.
2007-06-11 21:07:18 UTC
aiyoh..what is great about Singapore anyway?? Just because Chow Yuen Fatt mentioned 'Singapore' ..boom! Singapore beats Malaysia in Tourism kaa?? aiyoh...

Singapore is only great when it comes to business and living environment..but to really compare tourist attraction in that small country to Malaysia?? duuh!~~ nothing much to see lah...i was bored on the second day of my stay over there..let alone if i stay afew days more...

if i have to pay SIN$1K for a holiday in Singapore ( and getting a short & simple stay ) would be more better to spend it in Malaysia coz i could get RM1K extra to spend on shopping and other stuff!!


and oh! btw..we have lots of international star came to perform and got us in their movie..i.e

-Catherine Zeta Jones and Sean Connery ( Entrapment )

-Dato Michelle Yeoh ( Born in Malaysia, act in 'James Bond' along with Pierce Brosnan )

- Micheal Jackson ( Concert )

- Sylvester Stalone & Arnold Shawzenneger ( Came for the opening of Planet Hollywood in KL

- Mariah Carey ( Concert )

- The Pussycat Dolls ( Concert )

- Linkin Park ( concert )

- Julio Iglesias ( concert )

- Engelbert Humperdinck ( concert )

- Madonna ( Concert...soon! )

-Olivia Newton John ( Concert )

- Michael Bolton ( Concert )

-Jodie Foster ( shot their Anna & the King movie here ) alongside with Chow Yuen Fatt!!

- Jimmy Choo's!!!!

Actually..there are amny of them..tapi too long lah to type it all here...... :-D

and..and..oh! did you just ' gulp' (choke) yourself out just now?? hahahhaaha...i bet you
2007-06-11 11:42:51 UTC
World's best beaches...Malaysia!

Sipadan Island was at the top of Rodale's Scuba Diving Magazine Gold List for 'The Top Dive Destination in the World'. In fact the island shared its top spot with two other destinations known for the amazing diversity of their marine life - the Galapagos Islands and Truk in Micronesia.
2007-06-11 11:04:37 UTC
wasn't Singapore a British Colony at one time ? maybe that is why
Dave Star
2007-06-11 14:44:39 UTC
For me, plain and simple, I was robbed in Malaysia. Therefore I will not go to Malaysia anymore. I'd rather go to Singapore 10x than go to Malaysia for free.

Also, there is a travel warning against Malaysia in both USA and Canada whereas there is none in Singapore.
2007-06-11 20:27:26 UTC
sgapore is better than msia??

izit dat true anyway?! in what aspect do u "tell" sgapore da best??huhu..let me summerise which i learn frm my past..

1st..msia n sgpore r neighbour..y shud we make n count da diff frm both??evry place gt their thing..which is unique in a way..its not fair to blame us on not to be better than sgpore..sgpore is js a "hub" for many euro ppl((mostly US n British))..proud to be da best??which best is from outside da globe??which sgporean lyf for outsider more??when shud u guys learn to live ur lyf on ur own??need sum help??call da US..need more help??call da british for sure..

2..US hate msia on 1 reason which is nt being "frenly" wif yahudi..huhu..never blame US on dat..sandiwara org puteh..hahaha..never blame u guys for nt knowg on dat too..never knows dat fact cz u guys is js a normal ppl wif little knowledges..

3..u guys do feel happy for da technology which is nt urs..assume 1 thg dat is truelly sgporean??

money : Sgpore dollar..huhu..stand on Dollar..msia gt their own which is msia ringgit (MYR)..eventhough its small its ours..proud to be nt da outsider~~

car : is sgpore gt their own brand car??msia do..its nt da best in da world..but i can be proud of dat..having is better than nt having..

economy : sgpore gt their money frm outsider..face it!! da money wont gv most benefits to sgpore itself..its for emself which is outsider profits..its sound lame for me to blame da thg for this view of perspectif but..wat to do~~msia in da other hand works their economy mostly frm local..local do get some profits..little in amount but..its still ours money for our own ppl..we ddnt go dieyg for hunger..

water n other resources : sgpore buy water frm msia..spend less but want more..haiya!! we never block dat supply but u guys keep pushing on us to do so..wat a waste!! helping neighbour whom nt want to say thank you but blamg msia nt to be more cooperative..huhuhu..hw much coop do sgporian want??do tell us after u guys say thanx~~

lastly..wat for do we compare both??wat for do dis queral take place in da 1st place??its nt both fault..its none for sure..i love sgpore!!((as neighbour)) n im proud to be msian..ill live my lyf to be 1 of da most respectable msian n help my country to be da ll take tym..longer then i can imagine..but we do own our own technologies..we do proud of ourself..its better to step a small step than nt to do so..its better being 2nd for our own brand than being 1st for others brand..huhuhu..

ps : tell me sumthg..who is ur big-singer..izit fall out boy??izit back street boy??we do gt plenty of our own..ct nurhaliza..mawi..sofaz..hv u guys win any at da last planet music??huhu..uppzz~~forgot!! ur falloutboy wins sumthg at da grammy ryt..

takecare amigoz!!

we r neighbour..chill ba!!

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