bearbear ,this is the third question of yours regarding thumbs down that i'm answering to *sigh*
we can't stop people from giving us thumbs down bearbear. When they don't agree with us or when you have offended them, they have the rights to give us thumbs down..thumbs down is much better than being reported. right?
i will only give thumbs down to those who insults my religion.because that is the LOWEST thing someone could ever do ..insulting a religion.and i do get thumbs down to f
or defending my religion. .big is just thumbs down. i get lotsa them
P.S : I'm a Malaysia Bolehligans. Why do you have to be so mean towards those who loves their country ,bear?
Despite of what you say in here, despite of how many thumbs down i may get, despite of anything. To me. Malaysia Boleh!
Now don't go bashing on my religion or i will be force to give you ,your first thumb down! ngeh ngeh ngeh
Edit : What's so mean? as i mentioned before bearbear, i consider myself as a Malaysia Bolehligans . Here's one example among every other which i do NOT which to recall :
'After all, this is what Malaysia Bolehligans are good at ---thumbing down other users.'
i give thumbs up bro..i don't give thumbs down. I love my country and i love my countrymen..and if anyone insult them, it is as though that person is hurting me.insulting. I do wish you would lay off Malaysian supporters abit. i believe behind that mean beary growl, there's a big heart inside him
Edit : Blog? Where?