Jimmy's answer caught my attention. Actually even English have to borrow not only lots of Latin words, but also Arabic words to describe scientific and mathematic terms like alkali (al-qali), algebra (al-jabr), chemistry (al-chemy) etc.
So English per se cannot describe fully science and math, right? Hmm...
Totally agree with serious_shepherd. It's not about the language but the whole system. Changing education medium language will just create English-speaking robots with no innovative and analytical skills. With the right system, our society will be trully developed eventhough we suck in English just like Japan, Korea, Germany, France, Finland, Sweden (or any other developed nations whose English are actually worse than Malaysia).
U trust Anwar or not, he is still the product of UMNO-based education system. Let say ... just let say...he is big liar, if you wonder why so many Malays or other Malaysians follow him, just remember whose education system to be blamed.
Instead of asking Malaysia to be developed like the UK, Germany, Japan and Korea you ask Malaysia to be cheap labours supplier like India? Instead of aiming to create MNCs like Toyota, Sony, Samsung, Bosch, Nokia, Nestle etc (yes, these global brands come from countries which have lesser English standard than Malaysia), it's just enough to ask MNCs to come here while we are just English-speaking cheap labours?
I never question the importance of English in communication, that's why I learnt English. My point is, English is important in communication with outside world, but not necessary to be developed.
Our education's problem lies with THE SYSTEM, not the language. The outdated system is based on spoonfeeding focused on passing exams with no encouragement to develop critical and analytical skills. Students are taught teachers are always right with no chance to argue. We received lots of info through that ridiculous 10-20 subjects, but only a little is useful in real life. That's why those who got only 5As (max in many developed nations) can do much better than our 20As.
Singapore, their situation is different. Their only natural resource LOCATION (pls note that they do have natural resource which is very valuable). With this, the country can become entreport nation. It's a simple rule that an entreport must speak in lingua franca since it's a meeting centre. Or else it's advantage, the only advantage it has, as commercial meeting centre will lay to waste. For Singapore, I totally agree they must speak in English (or any lingua franca in case some other non-English speaking country wins the next world war and subsequently control the world).