Hi everyone i'm in serious need of help.Pls help.?
2008-05-22 02:04:06 UTC
Ok i'm 25 unemployed my education info is i finish form 5 thats all. And i made mistake in chosing friend. What i would like to know is where is a good place to start over and what kind of job should i get to survive.I'm not looking to get rich just want to start over.
*i'm curently in penang so pls dont recomend anything in penang.
Twelve answers:
2008-05-22 05:46:35 UTC
no worries..

try jobstreet, jenjobs or any other job engines around.

or else, try to continue ur studies. tht wil b good for u.

up to u though,

gd luck.
2008-05-22 11:40:26 UTC
hi there..

i personally thinks that its the best for you to join working with hotels as this industry is a very good place to start over. If you are a people person then the service line is great for you. Example of the service line departments in hotel are the Food & Beverage Department, the Front Office or Reception Department or the Housekeeping. All of this departments requires at least PMR or SPM and fluent in English or speaking foreign language is an added bonus to your resume.

click here to find out all the vacancies available in whole Malaysia

most hotels provide hostel & food during working hours and they also provide transportation if you are working after midnite.. and so, this would be an added bonus for you too coz you wont need to spend much every month in order to, i hope you will make a wise decision in choosing your perfect job!

good luck!
Stranger on the Bus
2008-05-22 12:49:17 UTC
Find a job that is more to using the physical skills. Such as working at the restaurant, factory, or maybe clerk. I don't think education level is the most important, even some graduates failed to get a job cuz it's hard for them to apply what they learn in the uni. What you need is a positive attitude and confidence. So, all the best!
Mr. Bobo
2008-05-22 10:02:53 UTC
It's not too late to start over again. as long as you don't give up and really put an effort in what you want to do.

You are 25, and the group of your age right now has minimum of diploma level. so to find a job as good as them are nearly impossible. But no worries. try to find a short term courses that are related to skills enhancement like mechanic, electricity or agriculture.

In Penang there is a institution, if i,m not mistaken called Akademi Binaan Negara. you can register for a short term course.

or you can go to Institute Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKBN). they only need as minimum of SPM only. so go try to register for a course there. Final words from me, beleived in yourself, beleived in God, He will show you the way.
2008-05-22 09:40:22 UTC
Malaysia BOLEH !!! Malaysian also BOLEH !!! What the pass is over, start new life again ,KL, Start any jobs ( you should knows what jobs you will not suppose to touch ) as long YOU can survive, NEVER GIVE OUT !!! AND NEVER DO WHAT YOU DID BEFORE. okay ?
2008-05-22 09:26:32 UTC
i'm not pretty sure..why don't you try to find a new job that is suitable to you. you can find suitable job in newspaper, to start over?hmm its up to you.

sorry if i'm not help you much in this..just for advise, please don't let your friends do something bad to you..try to find more friends which are really appreciate you and support you to pursue your dreamz.

go0d luck for your future and be the best as you can be.
lets talk-now w
2008-05-22 09:16:16 UTC
sorry dear brother...i don't have any idea to recommend anything here..if u planing to continue your study got many collage here in kuala lumpur..(if u planing to move to KL) and jobs don't to choosy..sure have jobs for you...and make sure don't make a same mistake again
2008-05-22 10:13:18 UTC
25??? ok, are you good looking??? taller than 5'6"??? seem like you can speak english.. can you work under pressure??? like to travel??? can you stay up even at 4am and still look professional??? can you be nice towards people??? are you well groomed??? if all of your answer is yes, then just apply this exciting job at Singapore Airlines as flight attendant.. they pay starting salary as much as SGD3500!!!

if you're interested.. download this form( ) and send back to them.. and just hope that they will pick you.. GOOD LUCK!!!

2008-05-22 09:28:18 UTC
well, im sorry i cant relate with that form 5, is that a college year already? i mean, do you know something special skills you have? keep on searching, dont be discouraged immediately. you can.just believe you can
2008-05-22 16:44:20 UTC
anywhere is fine...just make sure that u really have the will to change confident and be smart...time waits for no one my fren... ;p
2008-05-22 12:58:54 UTC
UM sorry no idea
2008-05-22 09:39:39 UTC
sound like the "B" word...

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